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IDF research institutes

Project B2G for the IDF
A new website of the Israeli Defense Forces that provides a centralized platform for accessing research content of the IDF research institutes.


Presenting the research institutes of the IDF for the first time.
A website that stands alone and speaks the same language as the existing IDF websites.


A main website from which you can reach mini-sites. A site that makes publications and research accessible and creates a dedicated user community.


My responsibilities: RESEARCH  |  CONCEPT   |  UX  

The research institutes website is a project of the Israeli Defense Forces that provides a centralized platform for accessing research content of the IDF research institutes.


The project goal is to provide quick and easy access to the latest information, research and articles published by the IDF institutes.

I strive to make the platform as user-friendly as possible with an easy to use search and filter option. It also offer the latest news and updates on the research and activities of the institutes.


The website will be a hub for the research institutes, allowing them to share their research with the world, and to build an online community of people interested in their research. It will also provide users with the opportunity to stay up to date on the upcoming events and lectures related to the research institutes.

" The website has seen

a 70% increase

in exposure to the research institutes and their articles. "


I did extensive research on the IDF websites that exist today and on refining and understanding the goals that the client wants to achieve in this project. The research included interviews with the institutes and benchmark.

Receiving and analyzing

the brief from the client

Conducting interviews

Information architecture


The  website is a unique resource for those interested in learning more about the Israel Defense Forces. The home page presents a comprehensive list of all the research institutes of the IDF, each with its own page containing in-depth information and relevant articles. In addition, each institute offers an online journal with articles and studies produced by the institute's researchers. With such a wide array of research material available, this website provides an invaluable resource for anyone looking to understand the IDF and its operations.


The search is the most important feature on the site.
In addition, I chose to make a quickly access to the "mini sites" of the research institutes.

Creating a community and encouraging users to take part in the research

Quick access to new and popular articles and studies

Responsive website and maintaining the priority of the features

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